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Yes, things look bleak for Americans in the US. But who is responsible for the American government and its actions? You and me and our fellow US citizens. I see the threat that russia poses *firsthand* (and russia has many methods of destabilizing other countries and polities besides outright military invasion) as I've been living in Ukraine since 2005. And I will continue to urge our government to use its power to stop russia's unjust assault on Ukraine, because allowing russia impunity in Ukraine signals to russia that it can use its power to encourage terrorist groups and regimes in the Middle East, to meddle with European politics, and to influence American domestic politics... and we will just suffer the consequences.

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I do not see how the American people are responsible for our government since in order for someone to be responsible for something they must have some control over it. The American people have no say or control over our government. The federal government is completely corrupt, it is in no way beholden to the American people. There is no peaceful way for American citizens to achieve any sort of meaningful change within the government. Our intelligence agencies and media industry are equally as corrupt so even if through some miracle the corruption in the government could be successfully eradicated the American people don’t have the accurate information necessary for them to make good informed decisions. We have failed to maintain any sort of unified American vision, moral system, or identity so throwing some tea in the harbor version 2.0 would be unlikely to be as successful as the original. So no I don’t think the American people have any particular responsibility for the government since they have no control over it.

You claim that Russia “uses its power to encourage terrorist groups and regimes in the Middle East, to meddle with European politics, and to influence American domestic politics”. Our government is guilty of the same. We supported Bin Laden against the Soviets and essentially created him as a major leader. We just have $100 billion to Iran. (Of course our interference is why Iran went from one of the most progressive countries in the Middle East to one of the most hardline conservative Muslim countries in the Middle East.) The things we did to destabilize Syria and Libya are horrifying. We spent nearly two decades in Iraq fighting a war that started under false pretenses. We spent twenty years in Afghanistan when the war absolutely could have been decisively won in the first two years and in the end we left the country to the same evil thugs that were running it in the first place we just left them with a bunch of our higher powered military weapons. Weapons that surprise surprise found their way to Hamas. Don’t get me started on all the destabilizing shenanigans in South America. There isn’t a place on earth that doesn’t experience American meddling, America’s behavior in the unrest in Ukraine circa 2014 was nothing short of meddling.

The American government uses social media companies to attempt to interfere with American domestic politics all the time. Not only that but political persecutions have become the norm. I have no doubts the Russian government is doing everything you accused it of, but I also know with 100% certainty that our own government is doing it as well.

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